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Geometry . an intersecting line, esp. one intersecting a curve at two or more points.
Trigonometry .
(in a right triangle) the ratio of the hypotenuse to the side adjacent to a given angle.
(originally) a line from the center of a circle through one extremity of an arc to the tangent from the other extremity.
the ratio of the length of this line to that of the radius of the circle; the reciprocal of the cosine of a given angle or arc. Abbreviation


cutting or intersecting, as one line or surface in relation to another.

Xem thêm các từ khác

  • Secateurs

    scissors or shears, esp. pruning shears.
  • Secede

    to withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association, as from a political union, a religious organization, etc., verb, verb, combine , come...
  • Seceder

    to withdraw formally from an alliance, federation, or association, as from a political union, a religious organization, etc.
  • Secernent

    (anat.) a vessel in, or by means of, which the process of secretion takes place; a secreting vessel.
  • Secession

    an act or instance of seceding., ( often initial capital letter ) u.s. history . the withdrawal from the union of 11 southern states in the period 1860?61,...
  • Secessionism

    a person who secedes, advocates secession, or claims secession as a constitutional right., of or pertaining to secession or secessionists.
  • Secessionist

    a person who secedes, advocates secession, or claims secession as a constitutional right., of or pertaining to secession or secessionists.
  • Seclude

    to place in or withdraw into solitude; remove from social contact and activity, etc., to isolate; shut off; keep apart, verb, verb, they secluded the garden...
  • Secluded

    sheltered or screened from general activity, view, etc., withdrawn from or involving little human or social activity, adjective, adjective, a secluded...
  • Seclusion

    an act of secluding., the state of being secluded; retirement; solitude, a secluded place., noun, noun, he sought seclusion in his study ., open , public,...
  • Second

    next after the first; being the ordinal number for two., being the latter of two equal parts., next after the first in place, time, or value, next after...
  • Second-best

    the next to the best in performance, achievement, craftsmanship, etc.
  • Second-class

    of a secondary class or quality., second-rate; inferior., by second-class mail or passenger accommodations, adjective, to travel second -class., common...
  • Second-rate

    of lesser or minor quality, importance, or the like, inferior; mediocre, adjective, a second -rate poet ., a second -rate performance ., common , low-grade...
  • Second best

    the next to the best in performance, achievement, craftsmanship, etc., noun, inferior , next best , next to best , nothing special , second-rate
  • Second class

    the class of travel accommodations, as on a train, that are less costly and luxurious than first class but are more costly and luxurious than third class....
  • Second hand

    the hand that indicates the seconds on a clock or watch., an assistant or helper, as to a worker or foreman. ?, at second hand, from or through an...
  • Secondarily

    next after the first in order, place, time, etc., belonging or pertaining to a second order, division, stage, period, rank, grade, etc., derived or derivative;...
  • Secondary

    next after the first in order, place, time, etc., belonging or pertaining to a second order, division, stage, period, rank, grade, etc., derived or derivative;...
  • Secondary battery

    storage battery.
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  • 22/05/24 02:10:33
    Mọi người cho mình hỏi: typology of people trong đoạn này là gì thế nhỉ: The establishment of a typology of people, property and economic activities affected by the project, the pre-assessment of relocation schemes, compensation budgets for losses, and the establishment of suitable proposals for the restoration of the economic activities of affected persons;
    Cảm ơn cả nhà rất nhiều!
    bolttuthan đã thích điều này
    • rungvn
      0 · 03/06/24 01:20:04
  • 01/02/24 09:10:20
    Rừng ít người vô nhỉ, nhưng trong bài viết của em thống kê thì lượng view đọc bài lúc nào R cũng đứng đầu á, thậm chí còn kéo dài liên tục, đều đặn ^^ Lạ nhỉ
    Huy Quang, Bear Yoopies2 người khác đã thích điều này
    Xem thêm 3 bình luận
    • Ngocmai94ent
      1 · 24/04/24 08:11:15
    • Thienn89_tender
      0 · 26/05/24 10:27:33
  • 26/12/23 03:32:46
    Đọc chơi bài viết mới của em cho chuyến đi thiện nguyện với Nhóm CNYT giữa tháng 12/2023 này. Mới phần 1, em sẽ viết tiếp phần 2 ạ (to be continued)
    Tây Tây, Huy Quang1 người khác đã thích điều này
    Xem thêm 2 bình luận
  • 05/01/24 12:56:26
    Hế lô thần dân cũ của R
    hanhdang đã thích điều này
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    • Mèo Méo Meo
      0 · 15/01/24 09:06:03
      4 câu trả lời trước
      • Mèo Méo Meo
        Trả lời · 1 · 19/01/24 11:34:27
    • Bear Yoopies
      0 · 20/01/24 09:12:20
  • 19/08/23 05:15:59
    Thất nghiệp rồi ai có gì cho em làm với không
    • Bói Bói
      0 · 05/09/23 09:19:35
      4 câu trả lời trước
      • bear.bear
        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:52:18
    • Huy Quang
      0 · 15/09/23 09:01:56
      2 câu trả lời trước
      • bear.bear
        Trả lời · 03/01/24 09:46:42