Từ điển - Cộng đồng hỏi đáp trực tuyến
  • Từ điển Anh - Anh

Let off

( Xem từ này trên từ điển Anh Việt)

Mục lục

Verb (used with object)

to allow or permit
to let him escape.
to allow to pass, go, or come
to let us through.
to grant the occupancy or use of (land, buildings, rooms, space, etc., or movable property) for rent or hire (sometimes fol. by out ).
to contract or assign for performance, usually under a contract
to let work to a carpenter.
to cause to; make
to let one know the truth.
(used in the imperative as an auxiliary expressive of a request, command, warning, suggestion, etc.)
Let me see. Let us go. Just let them try it!

Verb (used without object)

to admit of being rented or leased
The apartment lets for


British . a lease. ?

Verb phrases

let down,
to disappoint; fail.
to betray; desert.
to slacken; abate
We were too near success to let down in our efforts.
to allow to descend slowly; lower.
Aeronautics . (of an airplane) to descend from a higher to a lower altitude preparatory to making an approach and landing or a similar maneuver.
let in,
to admit.
to involve (a person) in without his or her knowledge or permission
to let someone in for a loss.
Also, let into. to insert into the surface of (a wall or the like) as a permanent addition
to let a plaque into a wall.
Also, let in on. to share a secret with; permit to participate in.
let off,
to release by exploding.
to free from duty or responsibility; excuse.
to allow to go with little or no punishment; pardon
The judge let off the youthful offender with a reprimand.
let on,
to reveal one's true feelings
She was terrified at the prospect, but didn't let on.
to pretend
They let on that they didn't care about not being invited, but I could tell that they were hurt.
let out,
to divulge; make known.
to release from confinement, restraint, etc.
to enlarge (a garment).
to terminate; be finished; end
When does the university let out for the summer?
to make (a let-out fur or pelt).
let up,
to slacken; diminish; abate
This heat wave should let up by the end of the week.
to cease; stop
The rain let up for a few hours.
let up on, to treat less severely; be more lenient with
He refused to let up on the boy until his grades improved.


let alone. alone ( def. 8 ) .
let be
to refrain from interference.
to refrain from interfering with.
let go. go ( def. 82 ) .
let someone have it, Informal . to attack or assault, as by striking, shooting
or rebuking
The gunman threatened to let the teller have it if he didn't move fast.


blame , incarcerate , punish


abandon , absolve , discharge , dispense , drop , excuse , exempt , exonerate , forgive , let go , pardon , privilege from , release , relieve , remove , spare , let

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