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Tìm theo Từ

  • work or effort consisting principally or largely of mental activity, thought, imagination, etc., as opposed to physical or manual work., the effort of thought, reasoning, planning, or the like; ordered or directed thinking, noun, solving problems is a...
  • mathematics . a method of calculation, esp. one of several highly systematic methods of treating problems by a special system of algebraic notations, as differential or integral calculus., pathology . a stone, or concretion, formed in the gallbladder,...
  • geometry ., an angular projection; a projecting corner, a viewpoint; standpoint, journalism ., one aspect of an event, problem, subject, etc., movies, photography . angle shot., informal . a secret motive, astrology . any of the four interceptions of...
  • the act of solving a problem, question, etc., the state of being solved, a particular instance or method of solving; an explanation or answer, mathematics ., chemistry ., pharmacology . also called liquor. a liquid, usually water, in which a medication...
  • an astronomical instrument for taking the altitude of the sun or stars and for the solution of other problems in astronomy and navigation, used by greek astronomers from about 2 00 b .c. and by arab astronomers from the middle ages until superseded by...
  • a spoken or written reply or response to a question, request, letter, etc., a correct response to a question asked to test one's knowledge., an equivalent or approximation, an action serving as a reply or response, a solution to a problem, esp. in mathematics.,...
  • down the slope of a hill; downward., into a worse or inferior condition, going or tending downward on or as on a hill., free of problems or obstacles; easy, of or pertaining to skiing downhill., a timed ski race on a steep slope in which competitors take...
  • a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply., a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation., a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; problem (usually fol. by of ), a subject...
  • , impaired assets, in banking, applies to all problem assets which banks hold, and is not limited to problem loans. in addition to loans, it also captures off- balance sheet exposures and assets which have come onto banks balance sheets through enforcement...
  • a sentence in an interrogative form, addressed to someone in order to get information in reply., a problem for discussion or under discussion; a matter for investigation., a matter of some uncertainty or difficulty; problem (usually fol. by of ), a subject...
  • a person who poses., noun, facer , problem , puzzle , question , riddle , stickler
  • lack of discipline or control, an instance of this., a campus problem of student indiscipline .
  • having knots; full of knots, involved, intricate, or difficult, a knotty piece of wood ., a knotty problem .
  • a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor.
  • applying or capable of being applied; relevant; suitable; appropriate, adjective, adjective, an applicable rule ; a solution that is applicable to the problem ., inapplicable , inappropriate , unsuitable , inapposite , irrelevant, applicative , applicatory...
  • incapable of being dissolved, incapable of being solved or explained, adjective, adjective, insoluble salts ., an insoluble problem ., explainable , explicable , obvious , open , solvable, baffling , difficult , impenetrable , indecipherable , inexplicable...
  • exaggerated simplicity, as in concentrating on a single aspect or factor of a problem or situation while disregarding others; oversimplification, an act or instance of oversimplifying, the senator is given to simplism in dealing with international issues...
  • not under control, discipline, or governance., not being under control; out of control; "the greatest uncontrolled health problem is aids"; "uncontrolled growth"[ant: controlled ], adjective, noun, amuck , dissipated , dissolute , fast , gay , incontinent...
  • composed of elaborately interconnected parts; complex, difficult to analyze, understand, explain, etc., adjective, adjective, complicated apparatus for measuring brain functions ., a complicated problem ., easy , facile , simple, abstruse , arduous ,...
  • not complex or involved; simple, lacking complexity; "small and uncomplicated cars for those really interested in motoring"; "an unsophisticated machine", easy and not involved or complicated; "an elementary problem in statistics"; "elementary, my dear...
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